Archive | September, 2010

Not a Doctor

23 Sep

Not a doctor

Do the same and link back if you get what I’m doing Winking smile

More Bleachgate!

19 Sep

Hello everyone!

So, since the last post on Bleachgate, a number of exciting developments have happened…

Firstly, I’ve been invited to speak at a couple of conferences. More on this closer to the time… I’m also going to be on a radio program, Pythagoras’ Trousers, soon. You can get this in podcast format here.

Also, I went back to school. Mum and Dad told my school principle about Bleachgate, who was very impressed! Smile with tongue out I got a mention in school assembly on Friday, which was pretty cool. My school have also contacted a local newspaper and are going to put out a press release sometime this week.

That, however, came after an article on The Guardian website on Wednesday, by Martin Robbins (@mjrobbins)

You can find it here: Miracle Mineral Solution

He’s told me that he’ll be following it up tomorrow, so keep tuned.

Also, something incredible has happened…

Jim Humble claimed he took his product to Africa, which is where he did the majority of his “research”. As a direct result of the story making The Guardian website, an African newspaper, The Daily Nation reported here and here about the danger Miracle Mineral Solution poses to citizens. This is brilliant news and really demonstrates how news can spread to the people who need it the most.

Thank you to everyone who helped spread this story. You are incredible and have been instrumental in getting this story to those who really need it.

– Rhys

Homeopathy in Cardiff

2 Sep

A few weeks ago, I decided to send an email to the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board regarding homeopathy on the NHS.
I asked them if they had any information about spending on it, and if they had it, to send it on to me under the FOIA. First response was “We’re not sure, We’ll get back to you when I have more information.”
So, I waited. And I waited. And waited some more.
Just over two weeks later, I sent another email saying “Do you have the information yet”
I got an automatic out-of-office response saying the person who had emailed me originally had gone on holiday and wasn’t going to be back till January 2011. How annoying. Luckily, she had delegated her job to someone else, so I sent them an email.
The response I got was another out-of-office email, saying they’d be back in the office the following Monday. It was quickly followed by an actual response saying they’d look into it when they got back to the office.
And again, I waited.
Another week passed without any further correspondence. Getting a little annoyed, I sent another email asking if they had the information yet. Once again, out-of-office reply. They’d be back in the office on the 11th September. So, I figured I’d wait and send another email then.
However, today, I was sent a very pleasing email which I will print in full here:

Dear Mr Morgan, I’ve been asked to reply to you on behalf of Estelle Hitchon in connection with your query regarding homeopathic care. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. However, I am able to let you know that we do not offer any homeopathic treatment here at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. If I can help in any other way please let me know. Many thanks.

Chris Davies

(emphasis mine)

Hooray! This means that Cardiff and the Vale are a homeopathy free zone!
Congratulations to the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. You are awesome.